With WhatsApp Messenger, you can also see who has blocked you. In pingobytes We will show you how to know if someone blocked you on whatsapp on android and iOS.

If a WhatsApp contact is harassing you or you just don’t want to see its face, you can block on WhatsApp in a few seconds. With this whatsapp blocking feature, you will be protected from harassment on your smartphone. In this article we will show you the ways to know who blocked you on WhatsApp.

How do you Know if someone Blocked you on Whatsapp?

Who blocked me on whatsapp?, Whether you’re using an iPhone or Android smartphone, Blocking someone on whatsapp can be done at any time with huge ease. Follow these steps whether you’re using an iPhone or Android smartphone lets see if you have been blocked by a contact or not:

To find out if you’re blocked on whatsapp by a contact, first open the chat from the contact that you want know whether you have been blocked by that contact or not.

If the contact has blocked you, you can not see when it was last online (Last Seen).

You will no longer able to see a profile pic of the contact. Instead, you will see the white user image.

Know Who Blocked you on WhatsApp

If you tap the name of the contact at the top of the screen and you are on their whatsapp blocked contacts list, you will not be able to see the status.

Know Who Blocked you on WhatsApp

If you send a message to the person, it is only sent with one tick (checkmark), this means that the message has been sent to WhatsApp servers but, hasn’t arrived at the contact.

Know Who Blocked you on WhatsApp

I hope aforementioned tips will help you with know if someone blocked you on WhatsApp messenger app on Android and iPhone. To read more articles like how to tell if you are blocked on whatsapp? enter our category Tips & Tricks.



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